NEHAWU North West Mourns The Passing of Comrade Rebecca Mokotedi
Monday May 20, 2024

The union extends its deepest condolences to her family, friends and comrades in the entire Mass Democratic Movement [MDM]. We wish the family strength during this difficult moment. Comrade Mokotedi remained loyal to the union until the last days of her life. As a leader, she represented the union well and ensured that the plight of workers is understood.
She rose through the ranks of the union, having served as a Shopsteward and later elected as a Branch Secretary of Rustenburg Community Health Workers. She served as Regional Secretary from November 2021 to May 2023. At the time of her passing on she was a councillor at Ikemeleng Clinic at Kroondal.
After having served as Acting Regional Secretary, she went back to the Branch and participated as a Community Health Workers Coordinator. She recruited countless Community Health Workers into the national union, and always giving them hope that the union has won many struggles of Community Health Workers especially resolutiuon 1 of 2018 which ensured that Community Health Workers were finally recognised by the Department of Health. She gave Community Health Workers hope that the union will fight until permanent absorption is realised.
As an activist, comrade Rebecca served not only as a shopsteward, she also served in different portfolios both in church and in the community. She was a community builder of note, a comrade to many and a church leader. She understood the words of Thomas Sankara when he said “Comrades, there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women. May my eyes never see and my feet never take me to a society where half the people are held in silence. I hear the roar of women’s silence. I sense the rumble of their storm and feel the fury of their revolt.”
Comrade Rebecca will be remembered as a fierce campaigner for the rights of Community Health Workers in particular, and workers in general. She participated in all the campaigns of the Region as well as those of the Province. She was also active in COSATU activities and campaigns.
In her honour, the union will intensify the struggle of Community Health Workers and workers in general. Death has robbed us of a leader of the working class who served the union and workers. The union and its members are poorer without her. May her soul Rest in Peace.
Details of the memorial service are as follows:
Date: 23nd May 2024 (Thursday)Venue: Tlhabane (Venue to be confirmed)
Funeral details
Date: Date: 25th May 2024 (Saturday)Venue: Lutheran Church in Tlhabane Oukasie

Issued by NEHAWU North West Secretariat Office
Ntombizodwa Moepeng (NEHAWU North West Provincial Secretary) at 018 381 4585
For more information, please contact: or 063 685 1911 or email: